Người vượt biển đã ăn… thân đồng loại
Cả một đời nỗi ám ảnh khôn nguôi
Cả một đời nhìn ánh nguyệt mòn soi
Những xác thịt gọi lương tri tội lỗi.
Người Vượt Biển, kinh niệm hoài không mỏi
“Tử quy”*? Rồi cũng đến lượt cả thôi!
Ba mươi năm lòng hướng về trùng khơi
Điều tâm ước: giải oan khiên, tức tưởi.
Người Vượt Biển ôm nỗi buồn rười rượi
Nhìn thuyền nhân biến dạng thành “Việt kiều”
Áo gấm về, vui trên những trớ trêu
Kể vanh vách, nắn cho… tròn chỗ… méo.
Người vượt biển cười, khoe khoang, ưỡn ẹo
Phong thánh thần bọn tà thuyết, mỵ dân:
Mỗi đảng viên trăm mỹ nữ, cung tần…
Ngồi hưởng thụ trên đầu dân, chễm chệ!
Người Vượt Biển trở về, tìm mưu kế
Đường nhiêu khê, không thối chí, nãn lòng
Nước suy vong, “Cùng tắc biến,… tắc thông”**
Tìm Mạch Nối lật cho hùng trang sử!!!
Người Vượt Biển, sáng tác bằng ấp ủ
Nhạc, thơ, văn, họa rõ nét quê hương
Kìa xem “Trâu nhớ ngõ, chó nhớ đường”
Người đâu thể ra đi là chấm dứt!
Bao thuyền nhân, bao nhiêu dòng ký ức
Chờ ai đây? Còn chính trực phân minh?
Mặc Cộng nô hoài thao túng, lộng hành?
Bao Quốc Hận bấy nhiêu lần lãng phí!!!
Người Vượt Biển! Hãy nêu cao sĩ khí!
Gom thành tâm, thiện chí lại vì dân
Đánh cho tan thuật “kiều vận”, Việt gian
Dẹp cho sạch bọn nằm vùng hải ngoại!!!
Người Vượt Biển, từng trấn sơn bình hải
Đoàn kết nhau thành Sức Mạnh Vô Song
Gom Toàn Quân Chưa Giải Ngũ, hướng lòng
Về Tổ Quốc từ thế Chờ Tác Chiến.
Người vượt biển, tôi cũng từng vượt biển!
Người nam nhi, tôi nhi nữ thường tình
Từ hoàng hôn tôi mơ ánh bình minh
Cho dân tộc, khúc khải hoàn rực nắng!
*Sinh ký, tử quy” = sống gửi, thác về
**”Cùng tắc biến, biến tắc thông”.
Viết thay những Thuyền Nhân vẫn… sống cho quê hương!
The ocean-crossers* ate their fellow man’s flesh
For their whole lives, they have been constantly obsessed
For their whole lives, they have been watching the moon faded.
The flesh has reminded them of their conscientious remorse.
The ocean-crossers never cease their prayers at any service mass,
“Return after death”* will naturally become their home-coming paths!
Thirty years… their minds are still with the ocean
Their earnest wish is to clear off their painful obsessions.
The ocean-crossers bear a grave sentiment
To watch “boat people” transform into the Viet “on-tour” men.
In silky outfits, they return home to enjoy whimsical treats,
Telling in great detail by twisting words to make things sound perfect.
The ocean-crossers smile, boastingly fidget.
Praising solemnly the evil doctrine, which fools the populace.
Each high-ranking person owns hundreds of pretty girls and mistresses
They enjoy in the forefront, posing cross-legged!
The ocean-crossers return home to find a plan to surf,
A complicated task, but determined to never give up.
A nation “Being cornered leads to change, and subsequent success” **
Finding connection to turn the history will certainly take place!
The ocean-crossers quietly compose
Music, poems, novels, depicting their homeland in great detail
Such as “Buffalos remember their paths; dogs their trails.”
One cannot cross the river, then burn the bridge to put an end to it!
Countless boat people, countless memoirs recorded.
Waiting for someone? A person well-behaved and honest?
The Communists abusing their power is couldn't be concerned less?
The nation’s hatred rises, so does its resources to waste!
The Ocean-Crossers! Uphold your noble spirit!
Make full use of your will to serve the people
(By) knocking down the treachery tactics
To clear up the undercover abroad!!!
The Ocean-Crossers ever guarded mountains, and subdued seas.
Combined all forces to form a unique authority
Gathered all militants not yet discharged, all with willpower
To readily engage in a combat for (their) fatherland,.
You crossed the ocean; I also crossed the ocean!
You are Men; I, an ordinary Woman,
From dust, I’ve dreamt of the crack of dawn
Which gives our people a piece of shiny triumphal music!
*The Ocean-Crossers: those who fled from homeland by way of crossing the ocean.
** Private conversation with the poet.
Written for the boat people who still struggle for the homeland!
Poem by Ý Nga, translated by Thoai Lien
The “Boat People” who was nourished with the corpse of his congeners
Is persistently haunted for life
For life he will see a worn-out moonlight
And the flesh that reminds him of his culpable conscience.
The “Boat People” incessantly recites her prayers
Death we will face all of us one day anyway
For thirty years her heart goes to the ocean
And her hope is to be exonerated from the unjust painful sin
The “Boat People” keep sadness deep in their heart
They witness the evolution from “Boat People” into “Việt Kiều”* ‘s
Well-dressed in suits, he find joy in shocking pleasures.
Recounting them, falsifying them as much as they wanted
The “Viet Kieu” smiles, bragging and wriggling,
Eulogizing the heretics and demagogues,
And the party members with their harems
Who sit majestically on the head of the people.
The “Boat People” return with secret plans
Not discouraged by the obstacles
The fatherland is in peril, they give their hands
To find a way to fight and write a new page in their history
To show love for their country,
The “Boat People”, create from their heart, songs, poems, writings, and paintings.
Look! Buffaloes and dogs find their way home,
How can human beings leave their homeland for good?
As many “Boat People”, as many sad memories
Why waiting? Where is the clear will?
Let the vile Communists abuse of their power?
As much resentment has been wasted
Oh! “Boat People”, show your pride!
For the nation, open your heart, show your good will!
Annihilate the “Kiều Vận”** tactic and the traitors
Exterminate all the spies who are among us.
Oh! “Boat People”, you who had fought for your country
Let’s unite to form an incomparable force
Together those who are still in the ranks
Let our heart go towards our fatherland and be ready to fight.
I am also a “Boat People” like you
You’re proud men, I am an ordinary woman
But since dusk I dream of dawn
For my countrymen, I dream of a triumphant return!
*Vietnamese living abroad
**Campaign to win the heart of the anticommunist Vietnamese living abroad.
On behalf of the boat people still living for their fatherland
Poem by Ý NGA. Translated by HUONG DUONG